HOME >> Products >> Condensate Contamination Monitoring & Control
We offer complete solution to ensure that the condensate recovered to the boiler is pure & does not contain any contamination. The system monitors as well as takes necessary action to prevent contaminated condensate to get into the boiler feed tank.
In many process industries hot condensate is being drained due to the fear of Contamination as Contaminated Condensate is not recommended to be returned to the Boiler.
But if we can monitor the quality of condensate returned to the boiler online continuously & divert the same if necessary then we can save:
Fuel by feeding the boiler with hot condensate
Fresh Water charges & its chemical treatment cost as we are recycling the condensate
Feeding pure form of water to the boiler which will lower down the blow down rate
This will reduce the load on the ETP
How the system works:
The condensate contamination d Monitoring & Control System, monitors and displays the TDS/Conductivity of the condensate. It automatically diverts the condensate to drain instead of back to the boiler if the TDS level rises above a pre-selected set point. When the conductivity drops, the condensate is allowed to return to the boiler. Thus minimizing heat and water wastage as well as avoiding the possibility of contaminating the feed water.
Drain Arrangement:
Two 2-port valves are used one on the return line to the boiler & another for the drain line. The valve in the condensate return line will close on detection of a high conductivity, and the drain valve in the condensate drain line will open at the same time.
Unique Feature:
The controller has a unique feature of data logging. It has an inbuilt memory which logs the TDS data with respect to time & saves in the memory. This data can be copied to a USB flash stick and analyze on the computer.
Key benefits:
Ensure Optimal Performance and Maximum Efficiency
Precise control of TDS/conductivity inhibits corrosion, solids precipitation and scale build-up.
More Informative Monthly Reports
Download stored data from the controller to a USB flash stick. Use the data to easily develop reports that show actual TDS levels w.r.t time, temperature and more.
Efficient Customer Service:
Quickly identify system upsets by knowing exactly what happened and when. An event log can be downloaded to tell you precisely when the system was online.
Validation and Verification Made Easy:
Use stored data from the controller to simply and easily validate water treatment results. The data and event logs show water usage, system conductivity and temperature, as well as accumulated chemical feed and blow down times.
Save Time:
Copy the user settings from your controller to a USB flash stick and upload to a new controller. Programming your new controller this way can be accomplished in seconds. It's that simple!
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